November 7, 2023
Monte Carlo Sampling of B-Splines for Inverse Problems : Monte Carlo integration of the product of a function and a B-spline basis functionApril 20, 2023
The Iowa Caucus Is Dead, Long Live Its Electoral System : The count listens to voters unequally—but at least it does so in an illegible, paradoxical manner.April 17, 2023
SMOS's Hexagonal Discretization of the Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem : How SMOS discretizes the integral of the observation model (based on the Van Cittert-Zernike theorem).April 2, 2023
SMOS Level 1C Data Access : Adventures in processing SMOS level 1C data.April 20, 2022
A Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Scenario for Observation Models Based on the Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem